Saturday, February 2, 2013

Strength and Weakness

Every graphic designer has a strength and a weakness. But how do we make that weakness work out with our strengths to make something creative. For example, I am good at photography and illustration in my own opinion. I like taking the pictures, I love setting up the area to take a photo of. It gets me very excited and feel more professional even though I'm still a student. With illustration, I keep trying new things every time and to be honest, I didn't know how to work with the program called Adobe Illustrator back in September, I knew nothing about it. I still struggle with photoshop as well still even though I think it's cool but Illustrator just draws me in more. So when I take my photos, I try to take them as good as possible so I don't need to go into Photoshop and use my non-existing skills.
But I am terrible at package designing, at least that's how I feel every time I get a packaging project. I do my research every time and go through many ideas, but then when it gets down to making a very cool package, it goes downhill. I don't know if I'm trying too hard thinking to make something great. Packages I make for projects, make me nervous when it comes to showing it to other people for opinion because I feel like my ideas are not creative enough for them. For the graphic designers out there, share some tips for me to make some cool package!

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