Thursday, January 31, 2013


Now that 2012 is over, what's up in 2013?!

I was researching for trends on everything for 2013 to get a better glimpse of where design is going and what's going to be more popular. And it seems like the winner is typography. I see informational blogs talking about type is going to step in and take a big role in especially web design. Oh and a bit of illustrative style too. They expect to see more simple innovative ideas for web design. More white space to be used.

Typography and layouts are big part of this too. They want to get rid of flash because some mobile phones like Apple don't support it very well to see on screen. In my opinion I don't think that's very important because it should be about the website and not how much stuff your phone can do. No one needs to be addicted to their phone that much. 

Large images are to be used this year to make more of a visual appeal to the website as background and have typography flow with it. Sound very modern and chique already. there are many websites out there could use something like that. For example, some spa's have ok looking websites but big picture with nice type on it could make it even better.

Since our society lives in the Facebook and Twitter world creeping people away, looks like we are going to see more of that. Everyone on earth is going to be on these social media websites. At some point, they do get annoying though. It's like, really?

Besides that, we have been seeing a lot of bright colours here and there especially in fashion. But for web design, we are expected to see calmer colours to modernize everything and make it flow better.

Well, I hope to see some cool looking websites out there this year!

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