Friday, January 11, 2013

BIG CITY vs small city

There's always the question big city or small city when it comes to thinking about the goods and the bads as a graphic designer. I think being a student in a small city is sometimes inconvenient because there aren't many agencies around here you could try getting into after school. Personally, I am hoping to get a good agency to work at after I graduate but how likely is it? In a small city, you can be known well eventually but with the amount of people even living here in Waterloo, you're never guaranteed for a nice design job. Well, it depends on your portfolio as well. 

When you think about the big city, I personally feel like its full of opportunities. You could succeed but then again the number of people living vs you to go up high as a designer, seems really hard, even impossible. You would need to have a rocking portfolio that will turn heads around. But, they could pay you better than the small city and better companies would have better clients and projects to work with. All these things when I'm considering between here and some other big city make my world stop and it's like wow I'm stuck and I can't plan out my future. My ideal choice would be big city for bigger opportunities but then I kind of feel like you wouldn't get the right appreciation there than here. I don't know why and I don't know how exactly to explain but I'm sure I'm not the only one when it comes to deciding for the future.

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