Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Francois Leroy

Those of you who are close to graphic design probably know a lot of well known graphic designers. I thought I did too.... I was researching graphic designers and their works to see what kind of style I would more consider doing for a project. I came across Francois Leroy. He is a self-taught freelancer in Paris, France. After seeing some of his illustration work, I couldn't picture a self-learner to be this good. His work is inspiring and very edgy and smooth in some cases, oh did I mention awkward looking works in some? But, they are all very well-done. I cannot wait until I can learn more about illustrator to inspire other people like he inspired me.
I also think that for some reason, European countries have "better" designers. As in better, I mean more variety, more creativity, inspiration and passion in their work. It could be from all the different cultures there where you can create something that's very rich. Make sure to check out Francois's illustrative work, you will be amazed!

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