Friday, February 22, 2013


As I'm moving on in second year for graphic design program, we always learn more and more things about how to deal with clients, what to do for preparation and such. You can never know if the t client is a good client or not. You won't really see red flags until you start talking and planning to work with them. But before you agree on anything with the client, you can make an agreement/contract which will be your client brief that says every detail about the project you are about to start which will include your meeting dates and pay dates as well. The website called About gives some brief tips about clients for graphic designers.

I know that freelancing as a designer is not the job for everyone. Not everyone can be their own boss, and some like working with others in a company. I honestly don't know how I will start by myself at first if I can't find a company to work with and it does sound scary. Lifetips also gives some useful information about clients.

The most important part is how you will get paid for the work you do. There are many online services out there that people go to for cheap designs because they don't want to pay someone in person for a better quality and higher price. I think that those online services make actual designers look like we ask so much when we already know how long it actually takes and how much effort it takes to complete a project that is given from the start in school. I was going to have my first client ever after first year last summer and lost the job when I told her how much it would cost her for a logo she was asking for. I had great ideas already set for her too when she first told me what she wanted. But when I told her the cost, she brought up the online services she's been looking at that would do it for half the price I gave her. I was so bummed. I felt like I wasn't worth it when I just finished first year graphic design. But, as I learn more about people's client stories, I don't feel bad anymore. I wonder if that lady found someone to re-create her logo for her. If she did, good for her, but I hope its as good as I was planning it out be.

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