Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Portrait Photography

About a year ago, I was holding a professional camera for the first time ever in my hands. I had no idea how to take photos or what to watch out for when taking a photo, what all these buttons mean, even how to hold the camera really. So, since the the past year and a bit, I began to like photography a lot. I don't think I'm the best or anything and I'm sure I need improvements here and there but I think I take decent photos for a person who had no idea about photography. 
Recently I did a photo shoot for someone that just signed a contract with a record label in Germany even though he lives here in Ontario. Well, to help him start on a good spot I offered for a photo shoot that he could use professionally.
This is one of the many photos that are decided to be the final good ones. I think this photo ended up being successful because the lighting was great. It wasn't too harsh but not dull either and with a white card on the other side, it gave a soft brightness on the opposite side of his face for a balanced look. I guess I can count these set of photos I took as my first photography job for my own line "deLight Photography" even though it was just for helping out. Feel free to comment for improvements!

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