Sunday, October 7, 2012


So, I have been doing some research on death of print lately. There are so many different views on it as people who are into design know. I feel like even if print is coming to an end, it will come back again in the future and will be a repeat of the past. Internet is just what everyone is all about right now.. but eventually people are going to be uninterested in it and would want to see print more again. What is going to happen when technology can't get any better than it already will be in the future? Just because internet is the new cool thing that gets better and better everyday, I feel that its the consumers that are also making "the end of print" happen. Yes its great for new technology to be created and everything, but why everything be digitalized? Do we need it? I don't think so. Everything is based on wants. People are going to realize when it is literally the end of print in the future and maybe have more control over printed goods like books, magazines, newspapers, etc. I know I still like to read the actual newspaper than just look at the computer screen and read it, especially magazines. I know you could talk about death of print on and on, but this is just my view on the things I've read so far. 

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