Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Painting with Shadows and Light

Now a days, there are many ways that we art and design. Well, this page I came across shows pictures of a man painting with shadows and light. This artist's name is Rashad Alakbarov. Not literally paint on the wall, but you will see what I mean.

 I think they are little pieces of coloured glass and he arranged them in a way to create the image on the wall. That is the coolest thing I've ever seen in art actually.

 I didn't know you could really make art with plastic bottles either. On the wall, it looks like it has been drawn with charcoal or graphite.

This reminds me of New York City when I'm looking at it. After he arranges all the objects and shines light to cast the shadows, he could also go around the shapes on the wall quickly with pencil to start a wall painting as well, or just for decoration. Now that's one of the things I would like to do.

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