Thursday, October 11, 2012


I really like having nice decorations in a home. I don't like it plain but with a twist to it. This post is all bout ceiling decors. Sometimes they can get very crazy looking but there are very nice, modern and classic ones too. Here are some of the ones I really liked and spoke to me the most.

I really like the one different colour black right in the middle where the chandelier is hanging from. It adds a very contemporary touch to the whole design.
 For some reason, I like the wood panels for the ceilings the most I think. They look so classic but yet modern. and Especially if you have a bit taller ceilings than usual, they look fantastic.

As interior design is improving every year, I think the designs might get more classic to give people the feel of the older times maybe. Even, though everything gets more of a modern touch all the time, the classic looks will be more demanding.

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