Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bizarre packages

As I look through stumble upon, I see lots packaging posts as well. In this page, there are the good and the bad packages. 

With this egg package, I think that it's very inconvenient. I mean it looks cool, but who is really going to buy eggs one by one in a package like that and it probably will cost a lot just because of the packaging. 

 This one is apparently a wine can. I feel like it doesn't really suit the product well. It looks like you would be using that for your barbecue or something. The package feels like its too bold for the product.

I see Doritos always come up with new flavours and packages, but never seen a huge package like this for the amount of chips they actually put in there. It takes up so much space on the shelf and who really wants to carry around a big box to eat chips?

So those three packages are the ones that really stood out to me in bizarre packaging way when I was just looking through this page, which you can also find the links for.

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