Friday, September 14, 2012

phone design

So as many people have already seen on Apple's website recently, there's the new iPhone 5. It has changes on its size when you compare it to the previous iPhone 4 models on the website. When you look at how long this phone is now, would you still buy it? With phone designs, companies tend to go with bigger screen, and thinner body. What about the phones that used to fit in the hand perfectly and in your pocket perfectly with the flip up screens and all? As the new models keep coming out, people are designing them bigger and bigger. Why do we need them with so many features when all you do is talk and text on it. I feel sometimes that the cell phones that are designed these days are taking over the purpose of computers and laptops. In my opinion, I don't hate the new iPhone but I don't know if I like it either, I guess we have to see when you actually hold it in hand. What do you guys think?

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